Our Mission: Bowman Consulting Group is dedicated to partnering with organizations, agencies, communities and systems to provide collaborative problem solving training, trauma-informed care, coaching, consultation and support to staff serving children, youth and adults who struggle as a result of trauma, neurodiversity, developmental differences, or mental health challenges.
We have had the privilege of working with Rick and Doris for over a year, both as a school and now a school district. To say this work has been transformative is an understatement. It has changed the way we work with students, improved our school culture and provided steps to build durable, life-long skills in our students. Collaborative Problem Solving has become necessary training for EVERY educator in our building. We have worked exclusively with Rick and Doris as their expertise, experience and presentation skills are second to none. CPS has helped us find our vision for how we want to work with our children, Rick and Doris have provided the stepping stones to get there.
Our Vision: We envision a future in which every child, youth & adult, regardless of trauma history, neuro-developmental differences or mental health diagnoses will receive the neurobiologically and developmentally appropriate education, treatment & services that will enable them to grow, develop and reach their potential as an individual and member of their community, AND that every Adult serving them will receive the neurobiologically grounded training & support needed to enable them to generate and sustain their own optimal wellness & resilience.
Rick and Doris are experienced practitioners that can speak to the daily challenges student serving professionals face. Their trainings provide a sense of validation and help us make sense of what we are experiencing with our students and in ourselves. No we aren’t crazy and this is why! Their solid understanding of the neurobiology of trauma puts them on the leading edge of how best to work with students, families and coworkers most impacted by trauma.
HBCC has been hosting trainings with Rick and Doris Bowman since 2016 and we receive exceptional feedback! Parents, teachers and service providers report back immediate results in their homes, classrooms and practices due to what they learned at a Bowman Consulting training. HBCC is continually asked to schedule more of their trainings from participants in our community. As the founder of HBCC, it is always pleasurable to work with the Bowmans’ high standards and willingness to go above and beyond, delivering powerful, effective and expert training and consultation!
Why Bowman Consulting Group?
Conventional wisdom isn’t working!!
If it were going to work, it would have done so a lonnng time ago!
Kids in our schools or treatment centers, people in our communities, employees in our organizations…
ALL matter, ALL need support, and ALL WANT TO DO WELL!
You understand, as do we, that commitment to the long-term is crucial!
You also understand that system-wide change is hard!
We aren’t showing up with a magic wand… We’re going to deliver solid, research-based training,
followed by coaching, consultation & support that will GUARANTEE RESULTS!!
Presentation was great – practicality, humor and organization!
Thank you so much! It was 100% worth my time!
Founding Members of the Resilience Coalition

Bowman Consulting Group is proud to have been selected as one of the founding members of the Resilience Coalition led by the Resilient Educator.
Bowman Consulting Group, along with 11 other members of the coalition, are serving in an advisory and partnership capacity with Resilient Educator, as well as with fellow coalition partners which include:
- The Urban Assembly
- Columbia College, South Carolina
- The Zamperini Foundation
- Attachment and Trauma Network
- Case Western University
- Jim Sporleder, former Principal, Lincoln HS
- Thriving Schools, Kaiser Permanente
- Jody Johnson, Associate Professor, ECE
- Creighton University
- Alliant University International
- Northcentral University