Social-Emotional-Behavioral Goal Bank (CPS-Based) – FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
This Social-Emotional-Behavioral Goal Bank is based upon the list of skill categories and individual neurocognitive skills from the Think:Kids Collaborative Problem Solving® model, property of Massachusetts General Hospital. The specific skills that form the basis for these goals are taken directly from the “Collaborative Problem Solving Assessment and Planning Tool” from the Think:Kids Collaborative Problem Solving® model.
This document has been created by Bowman Consulting Group and shared for the purpose of aiding professionals in the formulation of goals that are focused on building cognitive skills in social, emotional, attentional and behavioral domains. It is useful for IEP’s, behavior plans, and treatment plans.
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Examples are provided here of one skill goal from each of the 5 skill categories included in the Goal Bank. Each category contains 5 or more research-based neurocognitive skills that fall under that category.
Rick and Doris are experienced practitioners that can speak to the daily challenges student serving professionals face. Their trainings provide a sense of validation and help us make sense of what we are experiencing with our students and in ourselves. No we aren’t crazy and this is why! Their solid understanding of the neurobiology of trauma puts them on the leading edge of how best to work with students, families and coworkers most impacted by trauma.
The Bowmans have partnered with our school to bring transformation to the approach we use to help the children with the most serious behavior challenges in the county. They have provided countless hours of time to assist us in developing new ways to reach our students that are based in empathy and compassion. We used to be reactive to the behaviors that occurred and now we are working to get upstream and solve the problems that are getting in the way of the student being able to meet the necessary expectations in order to be successful in school and in their life. Not only are their trainings informative, practical and inspiring, but their hearts and the experience they bring are their greatest asset. We will be forever grateful for the impact they have had on our staff and students!